Arda Güler: "I'm thrilled to have scored my first goal"

1 mois

Arda Güler got his first Real Madrid goal and capped off our team's win against Celta at the Santiago Bernabéu. The Turkish player was delighted to score for the first time: "It was fantastic to score in such a stunning atmosphere. I'm thrilled to have scored my first goal, thanks to everyone who has supported me. I hope there will be many more to come and I will work hard to make it happen".

"It was a good performance. I'd like to congratulate the whole team on the 4-0 win. It's been a difficult season so far, but hopefully after today better things will come. I'm really happy to be here. It's the best club in the world and, although it's tough, I think I have the quality and character to rise up to it."

The move that led to the goal
"When I was one-on-one with the goalkeeper, I saw that he was losing position, so I took the ball to my right and shot. Fortunately it went in and I'm very happy".

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