36th anniversary of the 23rd League title

2 semaine(s)

Today marks 36 years since Real Madrid got their hands on a 23rd LaLiga trophy. On 24 April 1988, the team made mathematically sure of the title by thrashing Betis at the Santiago Bernabéu (6-0), thanks to a Míchel brace alongside goals for Hugo Sánchez, Gallego, Gordillo and Sanchís. The madridista dominance that season saw them seal the deal on matchday 34, four games before the end.

Real Madrid finished the 1987/88 LaLiga campaign, the third of what would become five wins in a row for the Quinta del Buitre, with an 11-point lead over Real Sociedad. On an individual level, the squad led by Leo Beenhakker boasted the fewest goals conceded, as well as the top scorer. Hugo Sánchez was named Pichichi with 29 goals, while Buyo picked up the Zamora Trophy.

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