Lucas Vázquez: “We're two games away from a final and we're going to go for it”

3 semaine(s)

Lucas Vázquez spoke to the media following Real Madrid's progress to the Champions League semi-finals. The Galician, who converted his spot-kick in the penalty shootout, said: “We're delighted, we came here to secure our place in the semi-finals and we managed to do it. It was a tough night and we had to really dig in. We played a type of game we're not used to, but the team showed character.”
“We had this plan in our heads, to get through to the semi-finals, and in the big moments this team always comes out on top. We showed character, modesty and everyone did a great job."
Penalty shoot-out
“The same thing happened as in Milan, I was focused on taking the penalty and helping the team. All of us who took the penalties did very well. As well as playing brilliantly, Rüdiger had the cool head to take the fifth penalty."
Manchester City
“City at home play a very particular way. They're a great team and play great football, but we knew in our heads that we were going to have our chances on the counter-attack. We took the lead through a fantastic team move and then we knew how to dig in.”
“They're the reigning champions, one of the favourites and we've knocked them out. We're two games away from a final and we're going to go for it.”

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