Lunin: “The team ran hard and fought to get through to the semi-finals”

3 semaine(s)

Andrey Lunin was one of the stars of Real Madrid's win over Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium. The Ukrainian goalkeeper made numerous crucial saves throughout the 120 minutes and in the penalty shoot-out he stepped up to save spot-kicks from Bernardo Silva and Kovacic. After the match, he said: “I'm exhausted because it's my first match at this level, with 120 minutes in a Champions League match away from home. We had to really dig, but the team ran hard and fought to get through to the semi-finals.”
Penalty shoot-out
“All the players who were left to pitch were prepared and I had to take a chance with one of them. Fortunately it worked out well. In one (Bernardo Silva's) I had to stay in the centre."
Superb collective effort
“Sometimes you have games where you have to dig in and fight your way through. You can’t always play with the ball or be the best team on the pitch. It was an amazing experience for me and the team put in an incredible effort for the 120 minutes.”
A team display
“The man of the match today is the team. We players always speak together and they helped me, alongside the coaching staff. We picked well and it all worked out.” 

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