Seedorf attends training session at Real Madrid City

1 mois

 attended the training session at Real Madrid City. The Real Madrid legend, who spent four seasons at our club and won five trophies (2 Champions League titles, 1 Intercontinental Cup, 1 La Liga title and 1 Spanish Super Cup), greeted Ancelotti and the players after their fourth session of the week.

Seedorf, who will be playing in the Corazón Classic Match against Porto Vintage this Saturday, spoke to the club's official media representatives: “I want to thank people for coming to support this club initiative. It's an honour to be part of this family and we're going to try to put on a little show for the crowd to enjoy.”

“It's a pleasure to return home and attend training because it's something special. To understand Real Madrid you have to experience it and I have done that. We still experience it now as well. This is the best club in the world because of its mentality, its philosophy and the desire to fight for every trophy.”

Memories of La Séptima
“La Séptima was a historic moment for Madrid as they once again triumphed in Europe. The club grew in every aspect and it's an honour to have been part of its history.”

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